Summer Off

Getting around the to usual haunts this summer. Time in Ohio and Pennsylvania. If you’re in the Buckeye State, it’s worth it to check out Front, a new triennial exhibition in Cleveland. Some really strong work and thoughtfully situated projects throughout the city. And the museum there is so big and so air conditioned, which is frankly all I can think about when it gets this hot and humid in NY.

Walking on top of a mountain in Missoula, Montana, I overheard an older woman telling an even older woman, that she’d like to retire, but she’s worried that if they repeal the ACA, she wouldn’t be able to afford insurance. So even in Montana, things are getting real. Missoula was beautiful though – and I highly recommend Black Coffee for a strong cup of coffee (with bee pollen!) and a seasonal strawberry toast. I love that you can get expensive single pieces of toast with stuff on it in almost any city now. Live it up, toast enthusiasts, this is your moment. Oh, and of course visit the Missoula Art Museum in between hikes. Is this a travel blog now? I dunno. I’m just telling you that some places are worth it and I’m fortunate I get paid to see them.

Big Car is an artspace in Indiana that is just endlessly inspiring. As long as you’re going to be in Indianapolis, right near the airport, there’s a crystal and I guess “New Age” shop (are we still in the New Age? How long does that last? Are waterbeds still a part of that?) called All My Relations. That’s also the name of a gallery/coffee shop in Minneapolis – so check your GPS directions before you head out. The point is, I loaded up on some crystals and incense to make the summer go a little quicker and in preparation for a fortuitous fall. New shows start soon. But it’s too hot to think about that. I’d rather think about elephant ears and swimming holes and walking tacos (you eat it from the bag!).