Next Deep Night is Live 3/13/19

One of the most delightful aspects of producing Deep Night with Dale, is working with my talented guests and finding amazing illustrators to design the posters for the shows. Now, usually these posters get circulated digitally, but I often print up a few and keep them in the Deep Night archives. This month’s Deep Night poster features artwork by New York-based artist Katherine Lam. She sent a few rough ideas, and I loved all of them (from moody interiors of modern apartments to Dale looking out into a rainy night) but the one that lept out at me was the one featured here – with the large pigeon looming in the background and Dale looking like the next star of True Detective.

Dale might not be solving any crimes (or will he?!) on the next live show on Weds, March 13th at The Slipper Room – but you should definitely come out to see the show which features an amazing lineup of comedians and writers that I have been eager to get on the show for years. Join Dale and his guests Todd Barry, Monroe Martin, Mallory O’Meara, and Alex Song. Plus Cornelius Loy will be playing the theremin and 96B will be filling the tiny stage with movement. Tickets are available here:

For more on Katherine Lam, visit her website: