Strindberg and Helium

Created in 2001 with Erin Bradley Perkins (writer/voice of Helium), Eun-Ha Paek (animator/genius), and Brian Perkins (inspirational force), this series of webisodes has been winning the dark hearts of Goths and Strindberg scholars around the world. They’ve been featured in the Sundance Film Festival, claimed a top prize in the YouTube Play Guggenheim Biennial, listed in the Entertainment Weekly’s “It List”, and has been part of Comedy Central’s short lived late night shorts program, Jump Cuts and featured on You can view them all at The best part of this experience has been watching something that was pure fun to make become a weird kind of internet sensation. My voice as Strindberg has even been remixed in a great cut called August in Hell by the band Mercurine in Los Angeles which I’ve included here:

Musician Amanda Palmer also sampled Strindberg in her song, Strength Through Music, included on the album Who Killed Amanda Palmer.

The fact that people dress up as Strindberg and Helium for Halloween and send us pictures is both scary and hilarious. I maintain the twitter feed for the two beloved characters over at Be sure and follow them for infrequent peeks into their world.

Oh, and Eun-ha made a fantastic video that shows you what goes into the making-of Strindberg and Helium.