Ciao! Venezia!

I can’t stop saying Ciao! Prego! and it’s driving the Missus crazy. OH WELL! We had a delightful time at the Biennale – jumping from Vaporetto to Vaporetto and catching some spots we didn’t go last time around. Most of the best shots were posted over on the Dale Seever instagram account. Someday maybe I’ll just post things as myself! WHAT A CONCEPT! But till that day comes, enjoy those photos of Venice. It’s great to be away from the heat and humidity of that ancient city and back in the heat and humidity of this current one. I actually did a thing the other day where I tried to reverse a smell mid-sniff. Like I was trying to chase it out of my nose by breathing out half way through breathing in. It did not go well and I ended up gasping for air which is the exact opposite of something you want to do when you’re surrounded by the worst summer subway smell ever. New York City. Land of dreams.